March 4th. 20 week ultrasound. Boy.


Our doctors appointment went great!! Kaiser is perfect, everything is growing as it should. We couldn’t be any more grateful. He was so good the first five minutes, completely stretched out kicking his little legs. Just a minute after he was moving like crazy and went to my right side, and curled up into a tight little ball and wouldn’t move for the rest of the appointment. I’ll be 20 weeks Wednesday! It’s crazy how fast it has been flying by. Today was our ultrasound to find out the gender, if we decided to wait (clearly we didn’t). The ultrasound tech just goes, “yep, he’s definitely a boy!” He has his chin tucked down onto his chest, we got to see a profile of him and his actual face (which I didn’t get an ultrasound of, he looked like a little alien baby still adorable). My first, and I’m having a boy. I found out early through bloodwork. 🥰🥰🥰