

So my baby girl is 13 months. I really never expected to nurse this long but it ended up coming pretty natural to the both of us (well after the hell of the first few weeks). But I am ready to be done and really have my body back to myself. I want to get back into shape. I’ve started Beachbody and eating really healthy but I’ve noticed a huge dip in my milk in just the past week.

We are down to about 3 nursing sessions a day. First thing in the AM, nap time and bedtime. Issue is she has always nurses to sleep. I have always let her nap on me and nurse, she would take a 1-2 hr nap. If I put her down for a nap she usually wakes in 20-30m. Bedtime I nurse her to sleep and she is just starting to sleep through the night but if she wakes I just go in to nurse and put her right back down.

Has anyone else gone through this ?

Help lol

It’s really I comfort thing for sleeping that I need help to break.