OPK Fail


Never tried using one before because I heard they may be unreliable for women with PCOS. Took a chance this cycle. I didn't know I was supposed to wait a few days after taking Clomid, so I was excited when I was seeing my LH line getting slightly darker (but still very light so I knew it was negative) Then yesterday, it just disappeared. No line at all. Cue, wtf??? I posted on an OPK group and thats when I learned about Clomid interfering with OPKs until about 4 days after taking. So...yesterday was kind of like, day 1 all over again. Tested today, amd the line was barely visible. Sigh. Glow predicts ovulation is to happen on Wednesday but with these barely there lines, I don't know what to think. Is it my PCOS jacking things up? Am I not going to ovulate at all? We still BD every other day, but it'd be so nice to know that there's a chance, you know?