Am i a bad mom?

My lo hasnt slept good since about week 3... shes now about to be 6 months old and she still hardly sleeps. We wake up at 7:30/8 every day, she naps at 9:30-10 for maybe 30 min before she wakes up and refuses to go back to sleep. She naps again at 12/1230 for maybe an hour or sometimes (rarely) 2. Then another 30 min nap at 4/5. When i say she will not fall back asleep, SHE WILL NOT. she will fight the swaddle until shes slippong frkm our arms frol squirming, she will hot herself in the face or grab our face and freaks out if you hold her hand still, weve tried almost all forms of sleep training gently but she becomes a terror and will scream for 3-4 hours at bedtime. It statts at 6:30 and she sleeps maybe 30 min again and then wakes up amd screams till about 10/11. Tonight was just too much. I held her, she screams, i swaddle her, screams, i rock her, bounce her, shush her, even gave her tylenol and put orajel on her gums in case teething.. all shes done is scream. So im out on my couch crying while she cries in the rocker. Im sleep deprived, at a loss of answers and dont know what to do.

SIDENOTE: We have been to the pediatrician multiple times with no answer as to why! Just "well it could be this. Just keep trying what youre trying". Granted, we are looking into a new pediatrician!