Partner diagnosed with autism, advice?

Kasey • RIP Ryley ❤️ 6/27/19 - 1/10/21 ❤️

I’ve posted here before about advice with my fiancé suspecting he has autism, but he finally received a formal diagnosis of high-functioning autism yesterday.

I’m really glad because now we know why he behaves the way he does. Because I was beginning to get worried that he was just a careless person who didn’t want to take responsibility. Now I know for sure that isn’t the case and so does my family and his.

I really want to make our relationship work especially since we have kids, but there’s just some things like financial and parental responsibility he has a hard time with. He loves our son and our unborn son, but he just doesn’t get the responsibility. He’s also really bad at managing money and understanding finances.

So I guess I’m looking for advice from people with autism or those who have a partner with it. How best can I help him understand responsibility?

Also, any other advice is appreciated. I’ve been with him for 2 years so I’ve kinda learned how to go about communicating and such, but it can still be challenging. So anything is appreciated. Thank you.