
Devynn • Mama of two. 👩‍👧‍👦

So I think I’m a hypochondriac.. have you gone through this? And how did you improve this?

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When you go to the doctor and you insist youre sick and they tell you you're healthy.


Devynn • Mar 6, 2019
I do that.. lately it’s been my chest. My test will hurt along with my back and I think the worst and go and then when they don’t find anything I’m better for a little while till I look at my test results and think worse or that they missed something or forgot to tell me something


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I haven’t gone through this however I’ve had doctors and family tell me I was a hypochondriac. That was until I got diagnosed with some crazy rare disease. Anywayssss, mostly good ways to avoid overthinking though is to redirect yourself, have a way to take your mind off of the bad thoughts. I believe (don’t quote me on this) that this could be a legit form of anxiety, as in medicine and therapy could definitely help you. I have spent a lot of time trying to not overthink my disease and I can get obsessed over it easily so in a way it’s similar for sure. There are ways to treat things like this and you aren’t alone just remember that! Hugs!!!


Epic • Mar 7, 2019
Yes I completely understand I almost became an actual hypochondriac moreso after my diagnosis because now I don’t know what is normal symptoms and what’s an actually symptom it’s crazy how quickly it can go haywire in our brains from overthinking. People always say don’t google but I’m going to be honest google was my only friend when I was searching for a diagnosis. However my piece of advice on google is if you google your symptoms and two or three different illnesses pop up always assume it’s the minor one and my mom always says give it a month, if you still feel all those exact same symptoms everyday for a month then you might actually have it, if not chances are your just overthinking. Idk if that will help you but it helped me because I couldn’t stay off of google no matter how hard I tried lol


Devynn • Mar 6, 2019
Thank you! This helps. I’m sorry I hope all works out for you. I just wanna know it’s like I keep trying to dig for things but like weird things happen all the time and it scares the crap out of me so then I begin to overthink. I never used to be this way you know?


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Same. I have lumps in my breasts and it freaks me out even though I’m 15. And I’ve had upper back pain and idk why


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Me too!!!


Devynn • Mar 6, 2019
I’m just always afraid of ignoring it and then it being serious you know?


RS • Mar 6, 2019
Yes!! For sure..I normally dont get headaches and when I do I always think it must be a tumor or something hahaha nothing I ever thought I had has ever been the case. Just gotta let things go and find the humor in overreacting about ridiculous things! We will all die one day and have no control over it, so try not to worry about the things we dont have control over. I've had to let a lot of things go in order to help my anxiety and worry. It helps


Devynn • Mar 6, 2019
I get that I am so sorry. Does this sound like yours? I started having head problems. I was so convinced it was a brain aneurysm, they did a cat scan multiple times and also did a mri with and without contrast just to reveal that I was fine thankfully!! Then my chest started acting up I’d always have chest pains and they said it was from anxiety but I would always think worse. The fear of dying bothers me so badly that’s why I think I am.