Not good enough?

My mental health recently took a dive. It happens usually around high stress times, and I’ve just entered an extremely busy season of my life. Unfortunately having no time for myself dregs up some of the more unsavory feelings I have toward myself. I know they aren’t true, but it’s hard to bring myself to’s a little scary to be honest because it has never hit this hard before. I just feel unmotivated and just completely unwanted and ugly. It’s so hard right now especially because I’m planning a wedding and looking at all these old photos of myself and my fiancé. I just don’t think that I’m pretty enough or good enough or stable enough for my fiancé. He’s so handsome and smart and focused and I still feel like it’s a mistake that he’s with me sometimes. It makes me sad that people might see us together and wonder what he’s doing with me....and worse that he might find someone more beautiful one day too and leave me. It’s just so stupid because I know how much he loves me and how little it matters what you look like and all of this is coupled with the confusion that comes from the fact that this is such a departure from my normal thinking patterns. But it still hurts and I can’t get this out of my head.

Can anyone else relate??? What do you guys do when you’re feeling not yourself and out of your body 😔

Photos of my fiancé and myself...

EDIT::: thank you all so much for the kind words of encouragement and advice! This was definitely a low point in my mental health journey, but having a supportive community of beautiful women cheering me on and sending reminders of my worth makes it better. Love to you all!