Bra situation


Omg so today at school I had a bra on and the straps were showing . So during PE this kid let’s call him bob is like your bra strap is showing you need to fix it ! For me it’s fine if one of my friends gives me a heads up and stuff but the nerve that a guy said something about it it’s ugh!!! It’s like why are you even paying attention to my bra?? And it’s like no shit Sherlock I am a fucking women and I can where a bra with the fucking straps showing. Would you rather me not wear a bra? Because that can totally be arranged.And bob says well people are going to call you a slut, and I am just looking out for you! Seriously? Nobody is going to call me a slut , why would bra straps give off a signal like that. I can’t help be a women.!!! It was one of those bras that hook at the neck in the back so you can’t hide the straps And he kept going on and on and harassing me about it . What should I do? Has this happened to anybody ?