I just need to tell someone "my story"

When I was 16 I weighed 140lbs. It was the happiest I had been when my body ever. It was the healthiest I had been. Then I got into a really toxic relationship. We both knew it wouldn't last, but to us it didn't matter. I believed I loved him more than he said he loved me, but looking back I think I was wrong. Anyway , he moved and I stopped sneaking out, smoking marijuana (mostly😂), and all I did all day was go to School, come home lay in bed , and eat. I got super depressed and it took a toll on me. I gained 60 pounds in 1 year. I let myself go for so long and I didn't realize until I shaved my hair, and weighed myself for the first time in months and the scale said 200lbs. I lost my entire shit 😂 broke down in Walmart and just finally told someone what was happening with me.

That guy and I broke up after 2 and 1/2 years. In my opinion it was both of faults, we both made a lot of mistakes and we both drifted from each other. But things started looking better. I met someone else who treats me like a queen. We're moving to Colorado in a few months and I'm super excited. Ive vowed to myself that I was going to go to the gym every day, and eat healthier. Im going to get a job, and work on a couple dreams we have in mind and what makes me happiest of all my hair is finally growing back 😂

We've been together for almost 9 months and I'm 1000 times happier than I was in my previous relationship. 😊 If you see this, or care to read this..I'll keep an update as much as possible.