Daycare bottles

Has anyone else had a baby that lost interest in having bottles but won’t drink milk from any type of sippy cup?

My daughter usually has 2 bottles of expressed milk while at daycare but they have been having a lot of trouble getting her to take them the past week or two.

She exclusively nurses at home because she won’t take a bottle from me or my husband. She uses sippy cups really well but will only drink water out of them.

She is there 8.5 hours a day and for the past week they can only get her to take one bottle and she usually only drinks 3oz out of it. She’s only 10 months old so I know she is supposed to be getting her nutrition from breast milk still. She eats plenty of regular food but I’ve been trying to limit how much she gets hoping she’ll drink more milk.

Anyone else have experience with this or have any suggestions on what else to try?