Baby was due on the second, he didnt come

Baby was due on the second, he didnt come. Induction was scheduled for 3/4/19 went in @6:30pm expecting to be induced and have this baby without any pain meds but life was laughing @me. By Mon midnight I was still 1cm dilated and hurting like crazy but continued hanging in there. By Tuesday night, I wasn't making any progress past 5cm and pain was unbearable, i accepted to use nitrate gas, it was helping but I needed to sleep so bad so I asked for the ultimate EPIDURAL. And after i got it, i cursed myself for not asking for it earlier. I went to sleep but the nurses kept coming to reposition me; apparently baby wasnt doing well on the pitocin and was in distress, so I got the news I didn't plan for and didnt want to hear...csection! I was sad but baby's safety is a priority, so off to the operating bed we went. In by 1121pm , baby out by 1157pm 3/5/2019. Hearing that first cry brought tears to my eyes. My baby is well, the cutest face ever seen. I wouldn't give away that night for anything.