Did I overreact?

My boyfriend got off of work a few hours before me so I asked him to finish up some dishes, take trash out, and unclog the toilet. When I got home, he did the dishes, but trash was not taken out and toilet was not fixed yet and dogs have gotten into the trash and made a HUGE mess! And he was sitting down playing video games.. I was so mad. I came in yelling telling him to get off his game and help me clean up what was left and I kept asking why he didn’t do what I asked him to do and he kept getting mad ignoring me while playing his game so I turned it off. He started calling me a bitch and told me to stay away from him for the rest of the night and now he won’t talk to me. Did I overreact? I’m just sick of his messes he has lying around everywhere. There’s about 10 large full trash bags sitting by the door and they smell bad but I’m unable to carry them to the trash bins because I have a bad wrist.. it’s gross and I can’t stand living in filth so tonight I finally snapped. And I turned off his game and took his controller and told him to help me clean. And now he won’t talk to me and he’s being so mean. I just don’t understand... am I crazy?