What do I do?


I just got back from vacation today and I’m trying to get my school work done. The end of the quarter is on Monday and I have 5 days worth of school work to do in 3 days. I’ve cried 5 times today because I don’t know how I’m going to do it. I feel like there is stuff I can’t remember that I need to do and I want to sleep but I can’t if I want to get this stuff done I also have regional science fair tomorrow that I really don’t want to do. I feel like I’m so out of control and that I’m just drowning in this. I felt this way prior to my vacation and cry probably 4 days out of the week. What should I do. I’m so lost.

Edit: I’m a freshman in high school and have all A’s and 1 C in math bc that teacher doesn’t know how to teach and I’m bad at math.