My life story


So I need some tips and advice and someone who gets what I am going through. I have depression, anxiety, a 50% chance of bipolar, and an eating disorder called ARFID which is making me really underweight. My 7 year old sister is one main cause of my depression and I live with her and I can’t do anything to stop that. My anxiety is really really really bad, and I have asthma and my inhaler makes it 100x worse . My mom has bipolar which makes me 50% likely to get bipolar. I have an eating disorder, I hate eating , and I hate talking about food. I love cooking and an eating disorder can’t take that away from me. Social media is a big item that causes my depression so I have deleted all my SM. I used to love holidays and my birthday but I don’t anymore with my parents being divorced, which is even worse for my anxiety. I am too freaking scared to go to a consular ( sorry for my crappy spelling ). When I try to talk to my mom she just wants to ship me off to some consular

I am suicidal and think about it constantly. I am constantly teased for having anxiety and I am always talked about behind my back. My main things that cause my anxiety are family friends and secrets my family always is talking about my eating and I hate it. On Christmas I did not want to eat lunch and they kept prying and prying but I would not budge. My parents don’t know this but I toss or give my friends my lunch at school. I am really skinny and I hate it , and I hate changing for PE because people are always saying I have abs but in reality those are my ribs I just need help plz .