Mosty venting

I fell like my whole world is crashing down around me in slow motion and I can't do anything about it but walk around lost not knowing what's going on. I have anxiety and I've been depressed before. I know what both are like. I cannot seem to get out of my own head I know it's anxiety. All I want to do it quit school and my job that I have worked my ass off for and sleep for days and forget about everything. My boyfriend is extremely supportive of me and he is even pissing me off a little bit. I hate school I don't want to do it anymore it feels like I'm never going to be done or get my degree and even when I get my degree I don't know what the ef I'm going to do with it. My boss is making me crazy. Not just my boss my whole depaetment. I work nights I'm getting fucked over my self and a coworker because we are supposed to wrok 10 hour shifts and we work rotation 12 hour shifts and the end of the week when there at 4 to 5 people there at the beginning of the week. Also my mother who I love very much makes me feel guikty because I never come see her, but I can't I would when I get off work on the weekends but I'm way to tired to drive at 7am and I feel awfult because I miss her and my dad so much but I just don't have time to do everything. Iam just so mentally and physically exhausted I'm about to lose it. 😨