Joint custody-moving away

Michelle (mamabear)

Hey ladies! So, here's the situation: My ex and I have joint legal custody of our 11 year old daughter. My husband and I are looking to make a move within the next 6 months or so for better jobs, better schools, and better opportunities for our kids. We live in VA, and will be moving about 3 hours away. I'm nervous about approaching my ex with this information, as I know he and his mom will be upset. He sees her every other weekend, and "sometimes" on Wednesdays when his mom sees her. Many times he doesnt even utilize his weekend with her, and sends her to her grandmas house because they're "busy" I don't really feel guilty about that part. His mom really does make an effort to see her, and she's at every school event, game and function, so I am sad about the distance that will put between them. Has anyone else been through this? I guess my main questions are 1) Can he legally stop me from moving? 2) Does anyone here make that distance work for visitation with co parents or grandparents?

On top of worrying about what he will think or say, I'm worried about how my parents will take this-as they're very involved too. We truly are moving for the betterment of our family as a whole.....but I know there will be hurt feelings, and no one that I have to break this to will see the value in us moving. Any advice would be helpful, as I have lived in one place my entire life-literally only moved houses when I got married, and thats only 10 minutes down the street from where I grew up. lol. So....this is all new. Thanks!