Signs of bipolar disorder/manic depression?

Kaylin • 1 MC💔 Pregnant with our rainbow baby🌈

I’m 31 weeks pregnant and I don’t know if it could just be hormones or what but even before I was pregnant I feel like I was like this. I know people assume bipolar disorder is just happy one minute, sad the next with no reason. But I know bipolar disorder is much more than that. It’s having high energy and happy moods for days, weeks or months at a time and then they hit a low point and they become depressed, lack of energy, etc for days, weeks, or months and the cycle is repeated. I could be wrong and it could just be hormones or whatever but I feel like that’s what’s been going on with me lately, but my episodes only last for a week to a few days and then I’m depressed for a few weeks. When I’m at my high point I’m cleaning, I’m absolutely happy, motivated, I’m very horny (sorry tmi), and I take better care of myself. That lasts for maybe a few days to a week and a half and then I start getting to my low point. I feel irritable, angry, sad, lack of energy, extremely tired, etc. and this last even longer for maybe a week or two and it’s feels absolutely horrible but I can’t do anything about it! This is the point when me and my boyfriend get into fights too because I get so irritated and mad at him for no reason... I know you guy probably aren’t doctors but does this seem like signs of bipolar disorder or maniac depression? If so then I know I need to get myself to a doctor about it...