Domestic violence charges

Hello, I don’t know if you remember when I posted this back in 2017 but below is my post from 2017. Well I got out of the relationship and I stood up for myself, I went to the police station and field a report against him. He finally got served for a court date and everything but he didn’t show up for court last week. Now he wrote me on Snapchat this morning

This is what he said

How am I trying to take everything from him ? I stood up for myself and now he’s trying to make me feel some way, saying our daughter Won’t have this or that? He doesn’t even pay child support for our child we have together. i take care of her, so he’s lying. We have done went to court for child support and he still Refuses to pay. He refused to renew her ID card and everything, even after a judge ordered him too. He trying to say I’m lying but I have so much Proof of everything. I thought I was done with this guy but he keeps finding ways to write me.