Was it implantation bleeding?


Okay so February 21st got iud out..I had been on a regular cycle every month on 27th..however I didn't bleed hotspot day of iud removal but very next day on the 22nd I guess the removal jump started my period and it lasted about 5 or 6 days..according to this app I ovulate today and my af isn't due for 2 weeks however a few days ago I started noticing when I wiped it was brownish blood..but not a lot but me and my hubby had sex cause it was one of my fertile days and he noticed it afterwards and asked if I was on my period and I said no I weren't due til 2 weeks he said well I beg to differ lol I looked and it was on him too the same brownish blood I had been seeing and it continued for couple days then suddenly stopped..again I'm not due for af for week in a half or two weeks...took one test and it was negative and threw it away then noticed next day there was a blue line but chalked it up to evap then took another today and still negative...could I have gotten preggo? Again according to glow I ovulate today! So I'm sure I'm gonna try get hubby to get busy tonight but just curious what it could have been...