Caught him watching porn...

I’m sorry but my husband and I have had discussions throughout our relationship about how I don’t like him watching porn. Like I’m hot as hell why not just do it with me? So I thought this was over but I had my baby 7 weeks ago. We attempted to have sex a few days ago but it was hurting a bit so we stopped. Now today I’m cooking him a nice dinner and I walk downstairs to tell him it’s ready and there he is jerking off to porn! Um what the hell im upstairs he knows the baby is sleeping why wouldn’t he just come up and try to have sex with me? I get it hurt the first time but does that mean we’re just not gonna try again? I literally feel like lower than scum, I feel like my husband doesn’t want me. My body has changed obviously, and it seems like he’d prefer porn over me. I feel numb :(