Just why... feeling alone..

Haley • TTC baby #2 going on 2.5 years ❤️

So this is probably going to be long, sorry in advance. But a little back story my husband and I have an almost 3 year old and we have been ttc for almost 2 years now. A few months ago I had to have my right tube removed and this month once AF shows up(if she does or it’ll be another round of provera) but we will start lentazole. But anyways as we are going through fertility testing and treatment my cousin announced her pregnancy, then my SIL announces her 2nd pregnancy a few months later and now my other cousin just announced his wife’s pregnant. I know I should be happy and excited for them but it’s just so hard. It’s so easy for everyone to get pregnant and here we are just struggling and struggling 😭 I just feel so alone and I feel like we are the only ones that can’t seem to get pregnant no matter how much or hard we try... I’m definitely losing hope in this journey...