Coincidence or sign?


Just an interesting story I thought id share. So me and my fiance are getting married in May. Ive always thought he was my soul mate by the little things and how close we are but some other things that we have in common that I believe is just a blessing from God. Me and my fiance have both been married once before. I seperated from my three year marriage the year that my fiance and his ex wife had married. June 18th, 2013 me and my ex husband found out that I was pregnant with our 2nd child with my due date of Feb 22, 2014. I had complications during the pregnancy and miscarried at 10 weeks. My fiance and his ex wife were expecting a baby girl with their due date being Oct 30, 2016 but unfortunately was delivered at 21 weeks and passed away on June 18, 2016 ( the date I found out about my pregnancy with my angel baby ). When we had first met I had just got out of an awful relationship and ready to just focus on myself and he was going through divorce with his wife. We were co workers so the more we spent time together the more clicked. We fell pretty quickly for each other and ended up getting pregnant. We found out on Feb 22, 2018 ( my due date for my angel baby ) we were expecting and we delivered a happy healthy baby boy on Oct 30, 2018 ( my fiances daughters due date ). Just a coincidence or a sign? I believe we were brought together for a reason and Trapper was given to use as a blessing. Now he is 4 months and im sure his siblings are watching over him closely ❤