First period on birth control and so many questions


I was diagnosed with pcos a year ago and have been ttc since that diagnosis. After complaining to my doctor about chronic pelvic pain that was just damn near debilitating for 3 months straight he recommended that I go on birth control and to see if that helps my pain and also to make sure I am having a normal period to help shed the endometrial lining. I just started birth control last month and I did miss 4 or 5 active pills. This is my first time taking birth control so this is my first period on it and I have NEVER had this before. My period was always on time, despite having pcos, and they were normal. I never had any issues and this month my period was late by 3 days and then this happened.... I started throwing what looks like clots to me. I am having a clear discharge when I wipe. This has to be the weirdest period I have ever had and keep in mind I'm 26 so I've had my fair share of periods. If anyone has ever had this happen while on birth control or has any idea what this could be let me know because I'm getting ready call my doctor first thing in the morning and figure out what the hell is going on.