Long post ahead... Signs he’s talking to me ❤️🙏🏼

I want to share something that happened to me this evening. First this is how my day began. I woke up this morning with a headache, a really bad one. I get migraines so it wasn’t that kind of headache but a pretty strong. Needless to say I didn’t sleep well. I’m a stay at home mom of three and I’m recovering from a fall I had two years ago. I had a back fusion surgery this past May. I live in constant pain and dread each day. I’ve been very depressed, and not myself. I used to be a cheerful person not so antisocial I kept to myself but was still had “friends” now I’m just a complete loner that doesn’t want to interact with others. I’ve become a boring bitter miserable person taking it out on my family. My loving husband and my three annoying but amazing kids that I can’t imagine my life without. So this entire past year I’ve been going through hell, recovery and feeling like crap as of lately having very negative thoughts and even considered suicide. See my husband is the only breadwinner right now and I always thought that once all three kids started school I’d be a help to him by getting a job. And that was the plan until I fell Two years ago the year my youngest started school. I’ve never been the same. To dull the pain and negative thoughts or to escape I began smoking weed. At first it was just a hit a very couple of days or socially. Then it got worse and now I’m a heavy user like daily. About three or four weeks ago I decided to quit not for me but for God. I also told my husband I’d quit, he hates it when I smoke. I struggle every day with myself I did give my heart to the Lord a few years ago but only recently began listening to his voice. Seeing signs, things like you wonder was that really him but you’re still unsure. But tonight, tonight I heard him. Or I heard something then I heard him. I started a devotional to read the Bible in 1 Year a while ago. And I read it as often as possible. So when I was about to begin my devotion, my husband next to me is listening to some car review on YouTube. And there’s an ad or commercial or something I heard only this “you’re going to hell” mind you he had his phone on for a while. But I payed attention to these words. I didn’t give it much thought but then I begin my devotion, and it speaks to me about betrayal. Again something like hit me. I betrayed him. I smoked weed tonight for the first time in three weeks after that promise and I did it knowingly. and I had said I’d stop... it’s not so much the smoking weed but breaking a promise. It could have been something else like I won’t shop, and I would have felt the same but it was what I did, smoking weed that I promised. I knew then he was taking to me. Then I immediately asked for forgiveness and began to cry. I tell my husband what happened and he just stares at me and says babe, your hi... finish your prayers and come sleep, hug me. I say no babe! You don’t understand! He Spoke to me loud and clear. I feel so bad, guilty and continue a silent prayer. Then continue my devotion. Then it says that because of his extraordinary love he gave his life for ME. And that through the breaking of bread and drinking of wine my sin will be forgiven. Though I don’t deserve forgiveness. I feel like a failure. And then out of the blue he speaks again, go see Lily, My 9 yo daughter. She came home today from school with a stomach ache and a low grade fever. She threw up 2-3 times. So I decide to continue reading. And say to Myself I’ll go as soon as I’m done. I hear God again louder this time, go see Lily now! I get up immediately. Lily, just threw up on her bed! I was so scared, relieved, happy, scared. I know it was him. I cleaned her up, changed her sheets and Put her back to bed. But then came back, to say a prayer over her for her healing. As I go outside I enter the bathroom but then step back, I look up at the ceiling and I see a cross 😱I take a picture for reassurance I’m not crazy then begin to freak out and run to my husband who’s snoring by now and tell him what I saw! He’s like ok babe, you know God talks to us through signs and this is Lent season. I ask him so you you believe me? You do think I’m crazy? He says yeah babe, can I go to bed now. Lol. Then I lay down next to him. But then the Lord tells me again, go sleep with Lily. And here I am writing to you now while she sleeps.

I wanted to write everything down because I didn’t want to forget anything. I believe the Lord, Jesus Christ spoke to me tonight: and I feel so blessed and grateful and happy. I know he loves me and he has forgiven my sins because I’m covered with his blood. Thank you Jesus for giving your life for me. I love you.

Has anyone else heard Gods voice? Seen signs?