Asshole fiance, confusing period, & negative pregnacy test


Long story short. I follow glow to keep up with my menstrual cycle as well as my ovulation. First off my periods are regular. Most of the time glow is accurate. Other times it's no more than a day off of me starting my period. So I wouldn't think my fertile days would be off to much. During ovulation week my fiance and I had sex I believe once, but I know for a fact no seman got in me. After ovulation for the next week I THINK it was a total of 3 times my fiance and me had sex and one of those times everything he had went in me on a day it said 3% which we have done that before when I'm no where near ovulation and we have always been good. However this time my period was 6 days late and it's been so long sense I had my little girl and really been in touch with my cycle and tracking watching knowing my body I didn't know when I could take a pregnacy test. 2 were the dollar ones and negative. The next one I got was 5 days before you missed period the Rexall kind from dollar general it came out negative but after 3 hours of sitting on the counter I saw a really faint line only on the bottom side of the other line though and I wanted to take a picture for yall, but it was and is so faint it doesn't show in the picture and even in your hand you have to look at it really good to see it, but ITS THERE. So tonight I started my period. This while past week I have felt like my period was coming and usually after my first day of HORRIBLE back pain I ALWAYS start the next day. So when it didn't come i thought there could be a chance i was pregnant even though nothing added up. Well the back pain came and went away then it came back today and boom i started. Earlier I said I was regular never late and can always tell when my period is going to hit due to my pain. Just curious to what could have caused my period to be late could it be something medically, is it normal for periods to just change after being regular for so long, and why do I see a faint faint line on the bottom on the test and I guess the real question is has anyone ever had this happen to them before? Curious because my fiance made me feel incredibly STUPID and was a complete ASSHOLE.