
I posted earlier about my husband cheating on me. A little backstory, we have been together for 11 years and married for 2. I found out about once a month he rents a room and has sex with one of his co workers. This has been going on on and off for 1.5-2ish years. I found out tonight.

I’m really struggling with this. He says he’s willing to put in the work and go to counseling and even quit his job. I’m so angry/mad/upset. Idk what to do. I have been with this man since I was a teenager. We are very close. He is my best friend (so I thought). We are dependent on each other for a lot of things.

Have any of you been through an affair and worked it out? How did it turn out? How do you gain trust again? Did counseling work?

I know the obvious choice is to leave him, but idk if I’m strong enough right now. And even if I decide to leave him, it’s going to take some time to build myself up again. He is very close to me and my family. So I don’t want to break the news to family unless I’m absolutely sure. But the hardest part is is that I want to forgive him. Idk why but I do. So I just wanted some opinions on how your marriage got through something like this.