Pink discharge

Hey everyone,

I feel completely at a loss. And I am slightly embarrassed that I even had to come here to ask, but does anyone know what pink discharge could represent? I have spent sometime looking it up. I heard for some people get it before their periods but I have never gotten it before. My period is due in about a fiveish days. I saw that it could be implantation bleeding, but I take birth control, very regularly and on time. My mom mentioned I might be anemic? The internet directed me towards cervical cancer? I was just wondering if anyone else had this happen, and what it was. I put on a pad because I felt like I was having discharge, and I was. It was only a small, small faint trace of pink. I would have never even noticed without the pad. I haven’t changed any medicine or anything. So I just was wondering if you knew from experience what it could be. Thanks!!