Fucking tired

I'm tired of this. He don't help with the kids at all and if he does finally bath them he told the oldest child to bath the youngest and himself 👿 nah you bath the fucking kids skin. He is on vacation and can't even clean his room. Yes I said his room cause I was tired of picking up his dirty shit that won't even far from the bathroom that have a damn laundry bin. We have people coming by and instead he clean up his room he watching TV smh. I would do it but I'm tired of him walking all over me. I sleep with the kids, I can't stand sleeping in a dirty room that was clean 2 days ago by me. The only place clean at this point is the front room, walk way and kids room. Kitchen is beyond needing help. I'm so mad cause now if I do clean up all over he gonna continue it more but if I don't the people would think I'm dirty.

I'm gonna for a walk to ease my mind before I lose it 👿