Had a major scare...

Sarah • Wife, Mother, Christ follower

Left my daughter playing happily on the living room floor to eat dinner at the table with my friend and her kids. Her four old finished fast, jumped down, and ran to the living room...well, he tripped and fell or something because we heard THE WORST screaming from my daughter. I ran and picked her up and my friend grabbed her kid to try to figure out what happened...my daughter is screaming hysterically on my shoulder and then pukes. And pukes again. And pukes again. And then dry heaves. I'm freaking out, standing in a literal puddle of puke and unable to calm her down and the four year old is so scared and worried that he can't tell us what happened...rush to the ER, get told by a doctor that she has a fever and he doesn't feel comfortable releasing us...rush to do CT scan. Then BAM...my daughter is suddenly calm and happy. Twenty minutes later, we get the results and she's 100% fine...we can leave. Talk about RELIEF!!! I don't think I've ever been so scared in my entire life. Here the little muffin is in her teeny tiny hospital gown!