Babys born + pics! ♡
My little girl was born after 40+ hours of labor of February 5th 2019. She was due the 28th of January but decided to stay in just a bit later. I was due for induction surprisingly the 6th but my little girl, again, had other plans. On the 3rd I started having contractions around 7 AM that would come every 8-10 minutes and then around 10 AM they were around 5-7 minutes. These lasted the entire day sometimes coming every 3-4. They weren't super painful but definitely uncomfortable. Around 5 PM I call my doctor and he tells me to wait until they're more painful. (At this point I was 40+6 days) around 8 that night they were pretty painful so i called again and the doctor told me that it sounds like labor so to come on in to the hospital to get checked.

Around 11 that night they told me that the contractions were pretty consistant and since I was so far along they'll admit me even though I was only 2 cm dialated I was in labor. They gave me some pain medicine before the epidural which helped. When that ran out around 5 the next morning they gave me another dose.
A few hours later the pain was back and stronger and I wanted something more for the pain but after they gave me 2 doses of the other they couldn't give any more and said I can ask for the epidural whenever I'd like. A little while later I did ask but my nurse said that shed like to hold off a little while cause if I was still talking and acting normal through the contractions then I should be fine they couldnt be that strong.
I was about 7 cm dialated at that point. Not even 30 minutes later around 12:30 on February 4th I felt and heard something pop. My SO sitting right next to me heard it too and looked worried lol, shocked. And then I felt a warm liquid just pour on out and then shortly after another stronger contraction. I called the nurse again and finally got my epidural.
(For anyone that wants to get it it did help me alot. I still felt the contractions but no real pain with them. But getting the actual epidural was horrendous and torture for me lol )
When they checked after the water broke they said very calmly that there was meconium in the contents which honestly scared me beyond anything cause of all the horror stories I've heard. But she didnt seem so worried so I let myself calm down a bit. Around 11 that night I was about 9 cms dialated but I was ready. This entire time for 30+ hours I was having contractions every 2-5 minutes. I tried to finally get a little sleep here and there. Around 4 the next morning I felt so much pressure. They had checked maybe an hour before and I still wasnt completely effaced but I was insistent they check again because it was a very strong feeling.
When she checked she could barley get her finger in far enough, said she felt something and went to call the doctor who then came and said the head was right there and ready.
February 5th, 4 AM and It was time to push.

I pushed just a few times and I hear that her head is out with a full head of hair that I could feel if I'd liked. It was the strangest thing honestly. Just 1 or 2 more and she was out.
She was so strong but with the cord wrapped around her neck twice they had the team in place and we weren't able to do skin to skin but she pushed right on through and I got to hold my beautiful little girl 7.1 lbs 21 inches long.
I originally wanted just my SO and my Mom in the room but since i was there for so long my dad came here and there and stayed for the birth. Him being a professional photographer took alot of pictures (honestly without me knowing) but they came out pretty nice 😅

Then this was her after brought to the NICU

And then finally with us later that night♡♡

Finally an amazing month later with my little princess Violet Miry ♡♡

💕💕 I'm beyond in love with her 😍
Let's Glow!
Achieve your health goals from period to parenting.