Homecoming story! ❤️❤️

Samantha • Hey y'all! I'm Sam and I just want to let anyone and everyone know that each and every one of y'all are beautiful.

To begin with, my dad is in the military. This past August he had to deploy to Afghanistan for 6 months. And as usual there were tears and I miss yous. From the get go I wanted my dad to surprise me. Only because I the last time he was deployed (which was in 2017) I screwed up my own surprise by looking for my mom’s location on the iPhone (she was ignoring me and I wanted to talk to her). So anyways, on Wednesday my mom called me while I was at work. And while I’m at work I’m not supposed to take personal calls. Well she kept calling and I kept declining because I was dealing with students who had questions (I work in advising at the college while I myself am a college student), so in the end I was irritated. She knows my schedule I don’t understand why she kept calling me. Well I was taking a call from a student and this call ran a little longer than my shift so I couldn’t get off at 4 just yet. When all that was said and done, I called my mom and told her the reason why I didn’t answer.

She then told me to go to my car to look for my sister’s military ID because she couldn’t find it. I told her I would after I stopped by my dorm to use the bathroom and drop some things off because I had a night class in 2 hours. But she kept persisting which irritated me more and more. I would tell her I would do it just let me go to the bathroom first. She kept insisting and I ended up cutting each call short. This woman called me over 10 times within the course of 30 min and that’s including the time I was working. In the end she said “I’m coming” I got mad and angrily told her I’ll freaking do it now and hung up (I live about an hour from home, and others may see this as a sign but my mom will do that if she wants something).

So I angrily walk to my car and see a stranger on the other side crouching down. I momentarily get frightened before womaning up to give him a piece of my mind. He moved again and I got scared but kept going forward albeit a little slower. He rushed out and I almost ran away but I recognized it was my dad! And my mom was on the other side of the parking aisle videoing this. I was so surprised and guilty for getting mad at my mom.

Here’s a picture:

Thank you for reading! What’s y’alls homecoming story like? Surprised or not I want to hear it! They always warm my heart ❤️