rant/vent ttc, feeling bitchy.


I'm probably out this month af is due in 5 days, and I'm really just fed up, I hat have to act like your pregnant when ttc, avoid certain things, take a million supplements, track apps,opks, check cm, drinking fertility tea, obgyn appointments, I've already had a misscarriage this time around ttc, and I'm getting really fed up. I feel like it's just so much on us women and I love my husband to death, but it's like do you know what I have to do on a daily basis to try and have this baby? it's like a damn fulltime job, in addition. to being a mom of 2 already. So I'm not into hearing the whining or complaining anymore about everyday life, I'm feeling very bitchy, very self centered right now. Like your tired? you are tireeeed? dont even get me started. feeling down and sad and pissed off. How.many of you all can relate? sorry for the rant. just tired of working 24 hours as mom and wife and doing every single thing for every body and still not getting pregnant. end rant.😣😣😣😖😖😖💛💛💛🤯