My period started and now....

So my period started probably about 11:00pm 3-7-19, it came 4 days earlier than predicted by this app. It for the past few months my period has come 4-5 days later than predicted by this app. I’ve been sick and crampy all day, threw up a few times, barely ate(because of the puke) and then was so hungry I could’ve eaten a whole aisle at the grocery store. It was a regular amount of blood, changed tampons about 4-6 times I guess, and they were all full some a little fuller than others. No clots. Just changed the last one because I felt it needed to be changed, been a few hours, it barely had anything on it. And when pulled out, sorry tmi, a teeny tiny little baby clot came out. What got me though was as long as it had been in it was practically dry except for the end of it and was kinda painful to pull out, like I said it was kinda dry. It looks like my period is almost done and it is 10:50 pm 3-8-19. I’ve got a pad on just in case but it doesn’t seem like anything is coming out. Anyone had experience with something like this. What were the results, baby, pcos, anything else?