Emotionally blind boyfriend

What are some good ways to hint that I’m not feeling the best to my boyfriend? And that I want him to do something to make me feel better? I love him, but he is oblivious to any negative emotions. I don’t always like to come out and say exactly how I’m feeling because I want him to just realize on his own that something is wrong. Should I just give up or are there ways I can be subtle about how I’m feeling, but still be obvious enough for him to get the hint?

Update: me and my boyfriend have been together almost a year and there have been LOTS of times I’ve had to tell him that I’m sad or angry and why I feel that way. Which, when I do this, he turns my feelings into an argument. If it’s not something about us, he just hugs me awkwardly until he thinks I’ve felt better. I just think it’s important for partners to be able to read each other’s emotions and know how to comfort them