Just needed to vent

I hate society. I hate having to be in the toxic environment that is my school where everyone judges everyone for being themselves. I used to be so confident and loved myself, I used to be myself and make others laugh, but as more people made comments on how socially awkward and cringy I was it made me more socially awkward. It’s gotten to the point where I absolutely hate who I am. I feel ugly and like one likes me. I’m always afraid that I annoy people. I feel like I have no real friends and it sucks. The past few months I’ve been working on trying to be a better person and focus on God and realized how toxic the environment that I’m in is. I want to talk to my mom about it but every time I do she just says that she’s sorry that it happens and that she thinks I’m beautiful. Of course she’s gonna think I’m beautiful no mother has ever thought their daughter was ugly. I feel like I’m just so ugly and too skinny because everyone else says I am. I don’t understand how people can be so mean.