My surprisingly quick birth story!
Let me start off by saying with my 1st baby I was in labor for 50 hours. 37 straight of prodromal labor with back labor and contractions every 2-5 mins the whole time. So for this baby I had my 39 week check up Thursday 3/7. OB wouldn’t strip me as I was GBS positive but she said she did stretch my cervix some. I was 3cm 60%. We scheduled my induction for Tuesday 3/12. I had a few minor contractions that afternoon but they stopped when I took a nap. I’m a nurse so I left home at 545 to head there for my 12 hour shift. As soon as I left I started having some mild contractions every 6-8 mins apart. Got to work and gave my manager a heads up just in case I had to leave but I felt perfectly fine to keep on working. My manager insisted I take an easy assignment and sit when I wasn’t doing things. By midnight my contractions were every 3-5 but again still not that uncomfortable. By 5 am whenever I was standing they were every 2-4 mins and starting to get uncomfortable. I was still toughing it out. By 6am I told my manager I was going to have to leave around 630 because I was starting to get uncomfortable. I had to start breathing through contractions On the ride home. Get home, shower and wait for my OB’s office to open at 8. By this point my contractions are very uncomfortable and getting very painful. Coming every 2-4 mins. They tell me to go to the hospital. Get there at 845, by the time they check me it was 930 I was 5cm and 80%. Get my epidural by 1015. First dose of antibiotics in by 1030. Water broke on it’s own at at 1045. I decided to try and take a nap after that since I’d been up all night. By 1120 I start feeling some pressure like I have to poop. My husband says it’s just how baby is laying because there is no way I’m fully dilated yet 🙄. Call the nurse in she checks me and surprise I’m fully dilated and ready to push! We started to do a practice push around 1140 and she stops me because baby is right there. 5 real pushes later and my baby was born at 1149am! Just 3 hours after getting to the hospital. Weighing 8 lbs 5oz! My first baby was only 6lbs 15oz, and was coming face up, had to manually rotated, I pushed for an hour and she was a vaccuum delivery. This baby was so different! I’m grateful we got to the hospital when we did and everything went so smoothly! Here’s a pic of my 18 month old meeting her new baby sister today!

Thanks for reading! I loved reading birth stories when I was pregnant to see everyone’s different experiences!
Let's Glow!
Achieve your health goals from period to parenting.