Drawing attention to himself


Dont get me wrong I do love my fiance and whatever the comments are will not change anything. Im just trying to see if my thoughts are valid or if he is right that i over reacted.

Last night he came forward about when he took his dad to the grocery store and when he was waiting in our car he was playing the song No Social Media full blasted with the window down. He said its funny for how everyone was staring at him. Which i told him its not funny because there was another case of him doing so prior with the song Im Sexy and I Know it by LMFAO about a week ago. Then he asked me "why?" With this situation it was a woman that he reported was attracted to him while playing that song. Then he got mad and basically said Im a grown ass man and can do whatever I want.

Its that i dont mind him doing so while driving around but being in an public parking lot is to me a little bit disrespectful especially towards our relationship and him being by himself. was i wrong for being upset for trying to tell him that this behavior upsets me?