

Me and my boyfriend have been arguing for 3 days. He had broken up with me the day after my birthday. I was calling and texting him when he left the house with all his belongings and after he told me he had been done with me for awhile . He was just waiting to get Thanksgiving, Christmas, and then my birthday over so that leaving me would be easy. Well I messed up I know I did because another male asked me if I was okay if I needed to talk he gave me his phone number and I told him to text me instead so I gave him my number on Snapchat and then seconds later I came to my senses and realized speaking to someone out side of my relationship was not right and was not what I wanted nor needed because my boyfriend is the very jealous type and he doesn’t even like to share me with family so long story short I’ve been called everything but my name I’ve been made out to be a person I’m not and I need advice