Missed period for 2 months on Paraguard

Hello I need help !

I had my period regularly in Dec 2018 then a week later I was spotting for 4 weeks . I went to the obgyn and he said come back if it doesn’t stop and they ran some test . Everything as far as my thyroid , stds, and not being pregnant came back normal . But now It’s March and I haven’t had a period for 2 months . I haven’t been able to get into my obgyn because I’m military overseas and I’m working during the hours the clinic is open (I’m waiting for a local obgyn referral this week so I can go ). I want to know if anyone is in my boat or has any experience in this ! I have been under some stress lately but not enough I don’t think for me to miss my period for 2 months . Also my weight has went up 10 pounds I currently am working it off . I need help or advice . Or at least someone to tell me that this is normal