It wasn't suppose to happen like this...


I'm having such a hard time ladies, I carried my little man for 9 months, did everything I could to make sure he was healthy and safe inside of my body and then I had to have a csection at 38 weeks due to his position and having i have my c section, my baby cries and then gets taken away. Never had skin to skin, havent even held him yet. Got transferrred to a high risk hospital in Boston, now hes in the NICU with a chest tube and all other tubes and gadgets on/in him. He was safe inside me and now hes in the world and hes suffering and i feel like such a failure and shitty mother because he is in the NICU. This isnt how i pictured things, i wanted to have a healthy baby start breastfeeding and take him home and love him. Now 2 days later ive yet to hold my baby, excruciating pain from my c section and im trying to get my milk to come in for my little man when he's ready but i just feel so alone and hes alone and idk im a wreck. 😞💔

Drs say its respiratory distress,, its so hard to see him like this and not be able to hold and comfort him 😔