Breaking up with my boyfriend. Setting myself free

Hi ladies

I’ve seen so many of you post on here for advice and be assured, encouraged and welcomed from such a wonderful support group. So I am coming to you all for advice.

For several months now I have been contemplating breaking up with my boyfriend. We have been together for almost three years (started dating in college) with one of those years LD. from the offset my partner was the more eager one, but I definitely did gradually fall in love with him. He works in a different city and lives on a farm with his parents which he will eventually inherit. He feels this is his duty and is an act of respecting his parents. he is a wonderful guy but on many levels we disagree with important things. He adopts a very negative attitude to life, always finding the bad in people whereas I automatically see the good and the beauty in everyone. He thinks I’m naive.

I on the other hand live independently, have just started my career and have always loved to travel (lived in a different country before, when we were LD)

More recently however I have lost this spark for travel. I guess my spark in general. ... I have lost my love of exploring new cities, living new cultures. My partner has no desire to see the world and does not envisage a life outside his backward, old fashioned hometown.

Sometimes I wonder if this is all there is for me. If this is the life I am destined to live. If becoming a farmers wife is inevitable and if my career will not progress any further.

Amongst other things, this is the selfish reason that is making me think breaking up is for the best. Maybe being in love with someone just isn’t enough? Maybe different ambitions and different mindsets mean love isn’t enough to see you through?

The past few months I have done so much soul searching and to be true to myself, I believe I must move on. Sadly this means breaking his heart in the process 😥

Ladies please share your stories if anyone has gone through something similar and whether you made the right choice or not.

The soul searching continues....