Am I getting slut shamed if so what should I do?


Listen, so I am a girl and I am a young, I go clubbing but me and my friends don't touch an ounce of alcohol. I am the one who gets most dressed up and I like a boy and he likes me and our friends try make things happen (we have chemistry as my friends like to say" but we don't mind we just want to be in each others company, talk, dance and maybe kiss but there is one girl who doesn't go clubbing and gets kind of pissed at the idea of me and the boy having chemistry (like girl can you hide your discust until I left the conversation) so anyways our friend was on about how buetiful I looked and how the boy was such a gentleman but this girl was like" okay. (discussted) what did you wear?!?!..." our friend discribese the outfit with flattering vocab and this girl turns around and is like"wow that was really slutty, way to keep it class" "it's like asking to get-you know...."SOMEBODY IS LOOKING FOR ATTENTION" "STOP THROWING YOURSELF AT HIM." like gurrrl you weren't even there. I don't know how to respond to this.