Help! What happened?? Sleep regression?


My LO (now 13.5 weeks old) was sleeping 8-9 hour stretches every night only waking once to eat then for the last 10 days has barely made it to 7 hours and usually wakes up after 5 hours. I’ve had to feed 2 times at night last two nights.. I thought it was a growth spurt at first but those only last a couple days and it’s going on for almost two weeks now. I’m exhausted and don’t understand why he all of a sudden doesn’t sleep for long stretches anymore! He is formula fed and usually gets 6 oz every 3 hours during the day. He was going to sleep at 7pm and sleeping until 3-4am now he is up around 1 and then again around 4 or 5 and 6... I don’t rush in when I hear him, I let him try to settle first.. sometimes I can get him back down without eating but within 20 mins he is up crying hard so i figure he is hungry and he will eat a whole 6oz bottle too.

Anyone else dealing/dealt with this? Any suggestions?