My sister was drugged, raped and put on the dark web (TRIGGER WARNING)

TRIGGER WARNING - This May be disturbing to read especially if you’ve been raped.

Before I start, I just want to say this entire story is 100% true as insane and unlikely as it sounds.

My sister has type 1 bipolar and it’s severe form. She’s 22. When she was hypomanic last spring at 21 she met a satanist neo-Nazi involved with a local biker gang (yes, these kinds of people exist) across her street through a friend. He dealt cocaine and did a plethora of heavy drugs. She didn’t know about it until she visited his place the first time and saw all the crap on his walls and he told her all of it openly.

My sister has a clear memory when she’s hypomanic (pre-manic). She’s basically more energetic, happy and spontaneous in that state.

She became somewhat friends with him. I believe it was the second time she went to see him, he drugged her with heroin and cocaine and raped her. She doesn’t remember everything but she remembers he cut her on her leg with a knife and shoved cocaine inside her.

When she woke up she said he looked surprised she was even awake and he had filmed it and put it on the dark web.

The sad part of all this is trying to prove this happened when she has a mental illness.

If you know someone that does have bipolar, please look out for them and don’t give up on trying to get them medical help. My sister is finally getting proper treatment. The system has really failed her (we live in Canada). They need their family to help them.