Try Harder? 😰


5 weeks pregnant with my second and experiencing morning sickness for the first time. I was never sick with my son, but this pregnancy has me so nauseous. I’m sure you mamas can relate!

So this morning on my drive into work, a wave a nausea hits me and it is all I can do to keep from puking on my steering wheel. Somehow I make it to the parking lot, quickly park and make a run for the bathroom. When I come out of work this afternoon, I found this note on my car 😰

I was parked crooked but still in the lines. Someone felt the need to write this note telling me to try harder. Oh I am trying. Trying not to puke, trying not to cry, trying to keep my pregnancy a secret from my coworkers, trying to not to worry.

It just goes to show, that you don’t know what others are going through. So I’ll just be over here crying 😭