
Tiffany • Mommy to a 8 yo boy, 2 yo boy, and a newborn Princess!!! 💙💙💖

I was at my LO 6 month check and Doc asked if baby reaches out to get picked up and I answered no. She reaches for items but, to get picked up she just gets excited but, wont put her arms out. Does anyone's LO at this time do so?

Also, she asked if baby says "Mama" or "Dada" because around this time she should instead of just yells. But, she doesn't do that either.

I'm not really concerned about her but, I'll always keep an eye on things. But, just curious if anyone's LO are doing any of these things.

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Posted at
My little one doesn’t yet put her arms out and doesn’t say mama or dada yet. Those weren’t milestones our doctor was looking for at the six month appointment 🙂


Posted at
My little one is seven months old. Sometimes she will reach for people, but most of the time she just waves her arms and kicks her little legs. She’s also not saying mama or dada. Doctor didn’t check for that so I’m not worried. She screeches and coos and blows raspberries all the time.


Posted at
Our little one is 6.5 months old. He does not reach with hands, but I am not concerned at all. It's our second baby and I have learned that no two babies are similar! He does things my first born started to do late and he does not do things my first born was doing at his age. My mom ( who has 8 children: 5 born and 3 adopted) always says: what matters is that baby looks sound and happy, anything else will just come when it's time for them. Please do not worry, I am sure your baby is happy and healthy baby and need relaxed, happy mommy as well! We all are doing great every day by making sure they are safe, fed, changed, happy. That's all that matters!


Posted at
My girl says dada and mama... she pugs her hands out to the side when she wants to be picked up, doesn't put them up in the air.I don't think it's a big deal, though. Every baby goes at their own pace. I'm sure there are things your little ones does, that mine doesn't yet. I wouldn't worry! 💗


Posted at
My son has put his arms out to me to be picked up since 5 months he's now 6 months. Although he only does this with me not anyone else. As for saying any words like mama or dada he hasn't yet. I try and encourage him every day but he just laughs at me lol. There has been times where I think did he just say mama!? But I think he was just in his own little words speaking a load of blubber lol.


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No, my LO doesn't reach out to me yet, nor does she say mama or dada. When I reach out to her when I'm going to pick her up, she squirms excitedly, but doesn't reach back.


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My 7 month old still does that. I’m not super concerned because she’s following in her daddy’s foot steps and he was like that until 8 months and was walking and doing everything else by 10 months.


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Our pediatrician didn't ask us those questions and she doesnt do those things. I have a 2 year old and we had a different pediatrician then and he didn't ask us that either. All they asked us about both times were sitting up, crawling, and eating questions.


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My little one is 7 months now and just within the last week did he start putting his arms out to be picked up. He is not saying mama or dada yet though.


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Mine also just has started flapping her arms to the side which seems to mean she wants picked up. She doesn't say any words though. She's 7 1/2 months old. She yells a lot and makes all sorts of noises.