My first

Sara Jean

Just waiting to bleed. I went Friday to do my first ultrasound I was supposed to be 10 weeks and the tech said the gestational sac was empty dr said it was measuring at 5 weeks.

My bestfriend and my coworker are both pregnant and I feel cheated. I can’t go and tell them how I feel because they’re still pregnant. I want to be happy for them but I can’t right now. I feel so alone. The worst part is that I have to tell people that I’m not having a baby anymore, my mother in law went and told everyone I was pregnant when I wasn’t ready. So there’s another person I can’t talk to. This was supposed to be my spouses first child, I have one from a previous relationship. So I feel like I let him down, I can’t talk to him either.

Does it get easier after a miscarriage, will I ever want to try again, Will our relationship recover? Reading all these posts I haven’t even gotten to the traumatizing part yet.