Paragard IUD


So I had the paragard IUD because I have a blood clotting factor and can't have hormones. I was with this guy for not even a month and ended up pregnant. The IUD was halfway out and I literally had no idea because my previous OB was very uneducated. I switched OBs when I got pregnant. I thought getting pregnant was the worst thing to happen to me. I was just starting nursing school, and I didn't know this guy very well. I was sick every day, until the day I gave birth. My pregnancy was bad. Puked every day, being hospitalized 6 times for dehydration, contraction scares, and bleeding during pregnancy. My boyfriend, broke up with me at 4 months pregnant. If that wasn't bad enough, I found out at 7 months he had been cheating on me the whole time with a girl that has a criminal record including beating up a pregnant woman at a bar🤦 so as if I wasn't already hating my pregnancy, this made everything so much worse. I lost my father when I was 20, and he was my best friend, and my due date was on father's day of 2018 and I was expecting a sweet baby boy. I was induced on father's day and had my sweet baby boy on June 18th 2018. His name is Logan Nelson, after his grandpa Nelson. I realize now that getting pregnant was the best thing to ever happen to me. My son's father and I still have trouble communicating, but I will raise my son to be the man his father, unfortunately is not. Sorry for the rant, but just wanted to say how lucky I am to be a mom, to my handsome chunky man💕💕