TWW Symptoms by DPO


Hi ladies

The day after my ovulation I started feeling symptoms so I noted them down. The TWW was so long however I made it and I got my BFP 😍 feel free to add you TWW symptoms in the comments.

1dpo - backache, bloating, tired, blunt pain in ovaries, sensitive nipples, thirsty, urine has a smell (possible UTI)

2dpo - nipples and breast very sore to touch, constipation, creamy cm.

3 dpo - sore nipples, constipation, backache, sharp pains in the uterus area. Frequent urinating

4 dpo - back ache, slightly nauseous, left ovary pain, still constipated

5 dpo - constipation, back ache, frequent peeing.

6 dpo - constipation, nauseous. Sharp pain in left breast, creamy cm

7dpo - creamy cm, backache, twinges in my abdomen, sore nipples

8dpo - burning sensation on my nipples, back ache, emotional, nauseous, faint line on ic hcg test, creamy cm

9dpo - back pain, nauseous, faint line on ic hcg test, sharp pain in abdomen, sore nipples

10 dpo - back pain, feeling heavy in the abdomen area, creamy cm, nauseous, faint positive on frer

11dpo abdomen cramps, backache, creamy cm, nauseous.

12 dpo - nausea, backpain, very sore breasts, creamy sticky cm, bloated, cramps on the left side near ovaries, woke up twice to use the bathroom in the middle of the night.

13 dpo - nausea, backpain, craving hot chips with tea, very sore nipples, bfp on frer and clear blue digital