I’m the worst

So I have a hard time waking up in the morning (depression). I was sleeping over at my bf’s house, and yesterday morning he got up (at 9:30am) and left. He came in every hour to wake and tell me the time 🤦‍♀️ Ok, fine. But the 4th time he comes in, THIS DUDE HAS THE NERVE TO COME POKE MY FACE TO WAKE ME UP.

1) that’s like poking a bear

2) my dad does that shit and it’s annoying

3) I will accidentally kick you if you do this

So now I’m in his bed grumpy as hell because he poked my cheek, as he tries for 30 minuets to finally get me out of bed. Then he asks if I want water, I say no, he asks if I want my leftovers, I say no, he asks if I want a soda, and I say no; So he leaves me to get dressed. I go downstairs with him, and as soon as I sit down I say, “I want my leftovers and water” as I’m carrying my soda I had in my bag 😂😂😂 Y’all I’m not a morning person!!!